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Monte Carlo simulation of central exclusive production

posted 2008-08-02

ExHuME version 1.3.4 released

Available as a tarball on the downloads page with a release note.

posted 2006-01-11

ExHuME version 1.3.3 with AutoTools released

Available as a tarball on the downloads page with a release note. We hope that this build system will prove easier to use and therefore all future releases will use AutoTools. Please let us know if you have any problems.

posted 2006-10-09

ExHuME version 1.3.3 released

Available as a tarball on the downloads page with a release note.

From now on we shall be using hepforge to publish all future updates to ExHuME version 1. We are also using hepforge to develope a complete re-write of ExHuME, which we hope will provide much greater flexibility and allow us to easily include a far greater range of physics processes.